Sometimes a certain topic or theme inspires me, and I start experimenting with it. I've always found this learning through play one of the best ways to develop myself, and besides that its also just a lot of fun. Here you'll find some of those projects.
React, Typescript, PixiJS, Logic Pro
Besides being a developer, I am also a musician. Having always been interested in the role of randomness in art and music, I wanted to build a website that could generate random music. This idea turned into Flow, a website you can play with to create your own relaxing soundtrack. You can also let it evolve on its own, to generate a constantly changing piece of music.
React, Typescript, PixiJS, Logic Pro
I saw some video's about simulating natural selection and evolution which greatly inspired me, and I decided to try to make something similar to practice my Javascript skills. Seacosystem turned out as a small sandbox simulation game in which you can let different species of fish evolve as you try to balance their ecosystem.
I am Ruben den Brok, a creative front-end developer and webdesigner. I love to create digital experiences that solidify your or your brands online presence, and make you stand out in the crowd. I mainly work with React and Typescript, in combination with Gatsby and NetlifyCMS, but I am always up to learn about new, awesome tools, frameworks and languages. Besides all sorts of computer stuff, I also love making music (as a producer and keyboard player) and skateboarding.
Want to work together? Feel free to contact me, I'm always looking for new people to work with!
Do you have a question or an idea? Feel free to contact me! I'm always looking for great people to work with!